The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is on.....
Today, I woke around noon to my Mother opening the blinds. I then laid in bed for another hour, staring at my cactus and pouting. Why must the nights be so short? Why must the sun be so bright? "To fuel the world and all it's living things." My awake half side said. Yeah, whatever. I slouched around in some sweats and made a chicken quesadilla. I even added my own spicy sauce (was desperately trying to recreate Taco Bell's sauce). Then, I dressed quickly to hitch a ride to the dollar store with my Brother to get some snacks. Two Arizona Green Tea's, some wafer cookies and Cheddar Pringles. Then, I came home, pigged out and watched Donnie Darko. Eventful, huh? Now, I'm taking facebook quizzes. These things seriously rock. "Which Hogwarts Man Would You Have Ended Up With?" (DRACO) "Which Death Eater are you?" (Severus Snape) "Which DragonBall Z character are you?" (Vegeta) "NCIS, Who are you?" (McGee) "What 1st gen. pokemon are you?" (Bulbasaur) Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
Oh my god. Extenze 4 Her? Really? Taking a pill to increase your sex drive. Wowieeee. I mean, if you really need that... I hope no guys make their lady friends take this. They make drugs for everything. Whoa, nerd thought. They should make Polyjuice Pills. That would be way easier than brewing it. If I took a PP I'd turn into Michael Jackson, just to screw with everyone. (That....was mean.) How would I even get some of his....nevermind. Just nevermind.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ahhh, vacation.
I'm in South Carolina. Sweet, hot, sunny, South Carolina. It's been raining all week in Detroit. *does a neener neener dance* Ha ha ha ha HA! We're currently staying at Hilton Head Island. Soft sandy beaches, palm trees and cute lizards running around. The only bad things are that I get bored...quite easily and it's super quiet here. Today, I sucked at miniature golf and floated around a pool. Oh! They have these things called "palmetto bugs". Sounds pretty exotic, right? I thought that these bugs might even be pretty. They aren't, because they're really cockroaches. HOW DARE YOU DECEIVE ME SOUTH CAROLINIANS!?!?!? Ahem, moving on.
While I was floating in the previously mentioned pool I overheard the following conversation:
little boy #1: Hey! Little boy #2!
little boy #2: What?
little boy #1: This is Little boy #3, he swam under my boogie board so we're friends now.
Easy friendship, no? I wish things were still that easy. No automatic judgement and drama. Although, being older definitely has it's benefits.
Anyway, tomorrow we're driving into Savannah, Georgia for a ghost tour. I'm outrageously excited. I'm doubtful we'll actually see anything but the atmosphere is good enough for me. I'm not really sure on what my opinion on ghosts is but I like them, real or not. :) Well, I'm off to shamelessly write Harry Potter fanfiction. If you're interested, I can post my family. I'm married to Draco. Ha ha. We have children. Three, actually. Pansy can suck it. XD
While I was floating in the previously mentioned pool I overheard the following conversation:
little boy #1: Hey! Little boy #2!
little boy #2: What?
little boy #1: This is Little boy #3, he swam under my boogie board so we're friends now.
Easy friendship, no? I wish things were still that easy. No automatic judgement and drama. Although, being older definitely has it's benefits.
Anyway, tomorrow we're driving into Savannah, Georgia for a ghost tour. I'm outrageously excited. I'm doubtful we'll actually see anything but the atmosphere is good enough for me. I'm not really sure on what my opinion on ghosts is but I like them, real or not. :) Well, I'm off to shamelessly write Harry Potter fanfiction. If you're interested, I can post my family. I'm married to Draco. Ha ha. We have children. Three, actually. Pansy can suck it. XD
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
And I don't even know how to drive...
It's true. I've never taken any driving courses. I've steered a few golf carts but that's about it. My Dad just made a trade and got a PT Cruiser. It's a fantastic plum color. He changed out the plain silver locks with...more...interesting ones. I named the car Vendetta. Hopefully, I'll be learning how to drive with her. I sat in the driver's seat for the first time today. My Dad showed me all the controls. I think I'll be a pretty horrible driver. I panic easily. :(
I don't really feel like talking about Harry Potter right now. It's still swirling around in my brain. The more I think about the movie the more I want to see it again before I make my final opinion. The rush of opening night always makes things better for me. The New Moon trailer did impress me, though. The human to wolf transformation was great. I thought it looked really good. It pains me to say that I might be just a liiiiittle excited.
I can't even try to link subjects together anymore. I got a cactus from K-Mart. I love him very much. I just hope he's getting enough sunlight on my headboard. He's right next to the window but there are a lot of trees infront of my house. His name is Ned. I'm going to water him lightly every nine days. I keep looking over at him now. Please don't die on me, dude. He's almost like my baby (since my cat, who was supposed to be my baby, favors my Mother). *coos at cactus*
I'm leaving for another vacation this Saturday. I'm not sure if I'm taking my laptop or not. I still have to ask. We're going to South Carolina. The Hilton Head resort? I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. It's just a fancy hotel with pools and a strip of beach. Fun. My Dad wants to go jet-skiing. I think I'll pass. If I fell off that thing in deep water, I'd flip. I don't care if I had a floatation device on. Sharks are terrifying.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Being in love is hard.
And before I get blasted about love and how I'm too young and yadda yadda, let me explain myself. I really think I might be in love with this guy. It's crazy but it feels right. I've never worried about a boyfriend like I do him. I'd like to say he brings out the best and sometimes worst in me. And he stays through all my crap and emotional spells, which is refreshing. He hasn't called me crazy or bitchy. It just works with him, so I'm going with it. :)
SFBOMD left for Japan last night. His Dad works for Microsoft and they have job opportunities there. I miss him already. I feel pathetic for doing so. I hope he's okay. There's a thirteen hour time distance. HE IS IN THE FUTURE! He's staying at a hostel for two nights and then moving south on the mainland. I'm worried about him. Even though I know the movie Hostel is completely unrealistic, I can still see some physcotic killers running loose there.
Today, 7/11 was giving away free 7.11oz slurpees. Mike, Diana and Jocelyn came to my house and we all walked there together. I had a mixture of Mountain Dew and Blue Raspberry? I don't know, it was blue. So, we were hanging out in front of the store. (loitering) When Kyle, a friendish thing from school, comes out of no where. He DROVE to 7/11. It's so weird to see him driving. It's so weird that he's a Junior! God. Anyway, he says a bunch more people are walking up to meet him. We hang out some more, they arrived, hugs were shared, blah blah blah. It was pretty mellow. All of a sudden this young lady rolls up in her H3 with a car full of friends. They stormed the store and were standing around by her car when another vehicle pulled up next to them. The yelling started almost automatically. "IF YOU'RE GONNA TALK SHIT! SAY IT TO MY FACE!" And so on. The H3 owner whips her slurpee at the other car and misses. Ultimately splashing on her own car, inside and out. She swears some more and the other car drives away. She quickly wipes her car down, obviously frustrated, gets back into the car and tries to pull out. She rams into an innocent white pick-up. It was wildly entertaining. All we could do was stare. More cussing ensued, almost every adult in the area felt the need to step in. The H3 called someone while weeping (probably her loaded father) and told a totally different story to make it seem like it wasn't her fault. Kids these days. :)
SFBOMD left for Japan last night. His Dad works for Microsoft and they have job opportunities there. I miss him already. I feel pathetic for doing so. I hope he's okay. There's a thirteen hour time distance. HE IS IN THE FUTURE! He's staying at a hostel for two nights and then moving south on the mainland. I'm worried about him. Even though I know the movie Hostel is completely unrealistic, I can still see some physcotic killers running loose there.
Today, 7/11 was giving away free 7.11oz slurpees. Mike, Diana and Jocelyn came to my house and we all walked there together. I had a mixture of Mountain Dew and Blue Raspberry? I don't know, it was blue. So, we were hanging out in front of the store. (loitering) When Kyle, a friendish thing from school, comes out of no where. He DROVE to 7/11. It's so weird to see him driving. It's so weird that he's a Junior! God. Anyway, he says a bunch more people are walking up to meet him. We hang out some more, they arrived, hugs were shared, blah blah blah. It was pretty mellow. All of a sudden this young lady rolls up in her H3 with a car full of friends. They stormed the store and were standing around by her car when another vehicle pulled up next to them. The yelling started almost automatically. "IF YOU'RE GONNA TALK SHIT! SAY IT TO MY FACE!" And so on. The H3 owner whips her slurpee at the other car and misses. Ultimately splashing on her own car, inside and out. She swears some more and the other car drives away. She quickly wipes her car down, obviously frustrated, gets back into the car and tries to pull out. She rams into an innocent white pick-up. It was wildly entertaining. All we could do was stare. More cussing ensued, almost every adult in the area felt the need to step in. The H3 called someone while weeping (probably her loaded father) and told a totally different story to make it seem like it wasn't her fault. Kids these days. :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tyler is the raw definition of awesome.
She really is my best friend. :) I love her craziness. She makes me laugh constantly. She's creative and oddly poetic. I always have fun with her. She makes me do things I normally wouldn't. I've learned a lot. She's expanded the world of literature for me. I trust her enough to let her see my writing and let her hear my ideas. We fight sometimes, but it's just because we're very different people. We respect eachother and have discussed some heavy topics. I hope I've helped her as much as she's helped me. (This blog post was not at all asked for. XD)
Friday, July 3, 2009
I buy ridiculousness.

I managed to crawl out of the comfort of my house to go to the mall today (in a skirt too). My parents got me a fifty dollar Borders gift card (which I forgot to bring) so I figured I'd better use it. My brother dropped my friend and I off at the mall where we continued straight to the book store. I wandered the shelves while my friend puttered through about a million c.d.s. I ended up getting two more Sarah Dessen books, putting my total collection at four. This Lullaby and The Truth About Forever. As I was digging in my wallet to pay, I discovered that I didn't have my gift card and paid in cash, agitation clear on my face. We popped in several other stores, looking around for nothing in particular. And then, in Hot Topic, I saw it. The most beautiful Slytherin hoodie in the world. I bought it for $49. Expensive, yes but totally worth it. *snuggles hoodie*
My Harry Potter addiction is definitely crushing me again, just in time for the sixth movie. WHICH HAPPENS TO BE MY FAVORITE BOOK! It's so dramatic but fun at the same time. I can't wait to see the Katie Spinnet bit, where she's lifting into the air because of the horcrux. *practically explodes* I know it's not going to be as good as the book,'s still exciting. I'm dressing up for opening night. Not my whole uniform, just my favorite pieces. (my tie) I'll probably throw my new hoodie on too. :3 This blog post blows, I can just tell. My other friend and I write...Harry Potter.....fanfiction. God, we're nerds. It's really, really fun though. XD I love it. We both get extremely giddy when we write about Harry Potter. It's like a side effect from all the magic.
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