Sunday, February 7, 2010

I just feel like typing...

I'll probably stop this half way through and end up deleting it. Woo, optimism!

Tonight was a good tonight. (Thank you, BEP) I went bowling with my best friend and her boyfriend. I bowled a pretty bad first game, 112. But then I got a 160 followed by a 148. So, that's pretty awesome. I have a meet tomorrow and hopefully it won't be a total disaster. We then ventured to the local Chinese restaurant. It's tiny and fantastic. Many dirty jokes took place. We also pretended to be southern pagent Moms from Toddlers and Tiaras. We're winners.

I'm currently painting my nails pale pink, listening to The Killers and checking Facebook every six seconds to see if anyone liked or commented my clever post. They probably won't. I usually don't watch the Super Bowl. Bahaha, I just realized that I was bowling when the Super Bowl started. Ohh, word play. I do, however, like muscular men in tight pants. Yum.

Ramble, ramble, ramble. I should check the laundry and see if my uniform's clean. Actually, I think it's in the hamper next to me, full of dirty clothes. Awesome. Yeah, I just checked and it was. It's all wrinkled and smells gross. Ew. My Dad's not going to be happy. Having to clean a bowling uniform during half time. Oh garsh, I'm just a fun-sucker, huh?

Woo, we made it! I finished a blog. Celebrations are in order.