Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's been a while. And I have no excuses for you. Let us forge on.

I have officially conquered my first week of the tenth grade. Being a sophomore feels a lot better than being a freshman. Even thought it's just a tiny step up, I can feel the power coursing through me. I can now yell "STUPID FRESHMEN!" at confused ninth graders. I can tell them what to do. I can make then do things for me. I AM ALIIIIIIIIIVE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough*

Anyway, my classes for this tri-mester are:

1st hour: Band
2nd hour: CP Algebra 2
3rd hour: Spanish II
4th hour: American English
5th hour: CP Biology

Band's a great class to have. I don't have a text book or homework. Sometimes, it gets on my nerves but hey, I could never quit. Mr.Beson is my director. I've had him since the fifth grade so I know what to expect. Algebra II makes me nervous. I'm doing good so far but math and I.....don't get along very well. I have a compact man called Mr.Betway as a teacher. You can tell he's absolutely IN LOVE with all things numeric. He does a lot of board work, which is good, I'm usually a visual learner. Spanish is pie. PIE. Lots of homework though. I have the same teacher a I did last year. Senora Weber. The class is pretty boring but I manage to enjoy it on a regular basis. I'll always love English. And I just so happen to love my english teacher this year. She's witty and you can tell that she really cares about literature. Mrs.Barczyk. CP Biology is peachy. Mrs.Madigan is a bit odd but I like her. I sit right next to a good friend in that class so it's hilarious.

I own four cockatiels. Crackers, Peatree, Leia and Chips. Chips is a bastard. Really, he is one mean bird. We're under suspicion that he's pulling the feathers off of the other bird's heads. Yeah, he's in solitary isolation. We put him in a seperate cage and moved that cage in the upstairs office. He squawks almost constantly and is exhausted at night. He's constantly nervous. I feel bad for him. And today, my devil cat, Izzy, was pawing at him through the bars. I almost beat that cat. My Mom treats Izzy like her baby. He can do no wrong. So when I see him doing something bad, I punish him. He gets a slap on the butt. Chips was trembling. The poor baby. I sweet talked him down and gave him some treat millet spray. I wanted to cuddle him but uh, he's a mean bird. Yeah, he's stressed. I'm stressed. We're all tired. Goodnight.


  1. Your blog hates me. It keeps "denying my credentials". o_O Therefore I had to log in through my Gmail account... if you were wondering, my actual blog address is

    Anyways, sophomores freaking rock. OH TWELVE!! :D Plus, we don't get shoved into trashcans or booed at pep rallies. That's always a plus.

    You're only in school for five hours? Lucky person. :P I'm stuck there for seven. And I envy your English teacher... I got stuck with the worst one EVER. All he does is make us write essays (with a really long set of rules as to how you must do them) and read boring and/or terrifying historical literature (ever read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? Don't).

    Aww, you have cockatiels! I used to have one when I was little. Her name was Daisy and she hated the world. Also, she tried to peck my eyes out on multiple occasions.

  2. Or, on second thought, it finally decided to work. :D Yay!
