Monday, April 5, 2010

Since no one actually reads this..

I am going to confess to something. I just have to get it out. I HAVE to tell someone. I'm just so excited and proud.

Last night/early morning, I broke my first major rule in my teenage lifetime. I was originally sleeping over a friend's house with a few people. By eleven all of them were either drifting to sleep or consumed in a laptop. I was bored, to say the least. Another friend started to text me, text me about going bowling. Bowling is one of my ultimate weaknesses. If you happen to be a semi-attractive male who enjoys literature AND bowling, I will marry you. ANYWAY, I summoned up as much courage as I could and typed "Sure? I'll go." The deed was done. I had just made a major decision. From being a good daughter, who's never done anything wrong except the occasional lie and back talking, to the SUPAH DANGEROUS REBEL BAMF!!!!

I stole a pair of my friend's jeans and asked two of the boy's to unlock the front door at 1:40 so I could get back into the house. My rebellious behavior provoking friend picked me up. I had on jeans, socks and my pajama shirt. We were off to the lanes where we would be meeting a certain friend who happens to be a clever and attractive boy (a second weakness of mine) for an hour of bowling. We ended up staying much, much longer than that. I called the sleepy people and said I'd just be going home, feigning sick. They understood and I arrived at my humble abode at 2:23 am. I showered and then fell asleep. I FEEL SO EMPOWERED! I SNUCK OUT OF A HOUSE! APORIUIDJFNAJSDHASUDSAIXOKAMNDWYRIUASDAPOSDJKWCNMWA*UUXOIDNMASDOC. :D


  1. LOL I wish I had the guts to do that. XD

    congrats on the new BAMF status <3

  2. Baha, thanks! I still get kind of jittery thinking about it. This may turn into a troublesome addiction. :P

  3. I think the pure awesomeness of late-night bowling dismisses any blame that you might suffer from sneaking out. It seems like it was definitely worth it! Way to be BAMF! =]

  4. Seriously. I went bowling. I could've been sneaking to a party, pole dancing or doing hard core drugs. Ha, my parents should be proud.
