Saturday, May 16, 2009

I ate all her candy.

And I liked it.

I think that I should be allowed to skip a few days every now and then. If I set rules for this, I won't enjoy blogging anymore. Yeah, so, yeah. Aren't I eloquent? The following paragraph is going to sound like I am the stereotypical teenage girl.

I went shopping today. I went with my Mother. Which I always find is the best. Whenever I go with my friends I become extremely annoyed at them. I'm not a model citizen but they seem to forget all their manners once they step through those automatic doors. Anyway, I like shopping with my Mom because we have similar taste. I also enjoy picking things out for her. I love seeing her face when something fits perfect. My Mom's not a stick and often has trouble finding clothes that fall on her nicely. Everytime she pulls something on I cross my fingers and hope that it looks great on her. What can I say? I want my Mom to be happy and feel confident about herself. She complained about her body a couple of times but I quickly found someone worse off, pointed them out, and said "It could be worse." I'm aware that this is mean and I don't care. I don't like when my Mom's sad.

The Relay for Life is today in my area. A bunch of people are walking around a reflection pond for hours in my city. I watched them all for a couple minutes this morning. There has been a sign up booth in my school's lobby for a couple weeks but I always pass it without a second glance. I guess I'm kind of bitter when it comes to cancer. I know it's a horrible disease but what about all the others? I'm getting worked up about the unfairness of it all. Growl.

Moving on. I'm not a very positive person at the moment. I hope you picked up on that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, we're doing Relay for Life too! Every year we do a different fundraiser event to raise money, and this year if we raise $3000 all the male teachers have to get mohawks. Neat, huh?
