Monday, May 11, 2009

I cut myself this morning.

I accidentally broke a snow globe a couple days ago. So, naturally I picked up all the glass and placed the shards on an old binder that happened to be sitting on the floor. Being a messy and mostly aloof teenager I left it there. I didn't throw it away until this morning after a piece of glass made it's way mysteriously into my bed where I procceeded to kneel on the damn thing. Ouchies. The only clean jeans I had were skinny so I had the pleasure of feeling demin rubbing againist my band-aid and irritated skin all day. I'm such a wimp. :)

I'm supposed to be curling my hair right now. There's a Band Banquet tonight. Awards are handed out, food is eaten, embarrassment spreads. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I have to get all dolled up. When in actuallity I frantically scramble to each of my friend's asking to borrow nice clothes from them. Then I resist the urge to claw my face off for fear of making my skin all red and puffy. Tonight I am wearing a black knee length skirt with a green dress top and finally a black shrug. All made of cotton or a blend by the way. I hope they have mashed potatoes. I love me some mashed potatoes. I am a little upset that I'm probably going to miss House tonight. I voiced my concerns to my mother and she pulled a look. "You shouldn't be planning your social life around your T.V. schedule! None of it is real!" Like I don't know that. Pshhhhhhhhhhhh.

Yeah, I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up and get dressed. Uh, ummmmm, I usually finish these with a snappy little remark. Shit. Errrr. OH! One quick story. You know those teachers who have a thing about you asking them "What are we doing today?"? Well, my beloved Geometry teacher, Mr.F, has one of those things. I usually get hyper right when his class starts but I've learned to hold the question inside. It slipped out today. "What are we doing today?" I paused and then quickly backtracked. "Wait. I didn't say that." He just started laughing. "That was precious, Molestme." (That's what my peers have teasingly called me for years for my actual last name is extremely polish and happens to rhyme. And I don't want to give out my real last name because it adds to the mystery of MOI!) I blushed. It's not like I have a crush on my teacher but it was just a good and original compliment. It made my day. So, when you're feeling down, just remember that I think anyone who reads this blog is PRECIOUS!

1 comment:

  1. Good thing there's Hulu for those times that I miss House MD.
