My Grandfather (who lives in Florida) is visiting. He's been here since Sunday. And I haven't been allowed to go out at all. I know I may sound like a bratty teenager but COME ON.
When I was a kid I used to cry and beg for him to stay longer than just a few days. Time after time he left, saying he'd see me next Christmas or Easter or whatever. And now, how can he expect me to stop my life just because he decided to show up? It's just frustrating.
I'm currently watching a show on TLC about a morbidly obese family. It makes me feel super, super skinny. And at the same time I want to loose more weight. I swear to god though, this girl is sixteen and her arm is thicker than my face. I don't know how you could let yourself get like that. It weirds me out, dude.
I feel bad for not writing more. What do you guys like (if you guys are out there...)? Short or long? I'll try to stick to medium sized ones.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ohhh, the bitter sting of rejection.
I've "had my eye on" this certain senior boy for about a month? He's adorable and funny. I think he's pretty swell. We've been facebook messaging (is ashamed) for weeks. I just got a text from a mutual friend saying "I have some sad news for you. :(". I knew it was going to be about him. I was thinking "He has a girlfriend." But this is what I got...
"idk how to put this. Well we were talking and he doesn't return the crush and feels bad breaking hearts he says. But he felt bad if you thought he was because he didn't mean to seem like he was. He just thinks your cool like a friend."
A) The grammar is a tad....NASZXCYAESIFGAISUFDH.
B) You didn't break my heart, dude. I think you are hot and entertaining. I'm not IN GOO GOO LOVE with you.
Do you SEE the stuff I have to deal with everyday?
I've missed this. Oh, blogging, you make me feel so much better.
ANYWAY, I'm about to head off to a friend's place. We're probably going to sit around and eat Christmas leftovers.
Bye. :)
"idk how to put this. Well we were talking and he doesn't return the crush and feels bad breaking hearts he says. But he felt bad if you thought he was because he didn't mean to seem like he was. He just thinks your cool like a friend."
A) The grammar is a tad....NASZXCYAESIFGAISUFDH.
B) You didn't break my heart, dude. I think you are hot and entertaining. I'm not IN GOO GOO LOVE with you.
Do you SEE the stuff I have to deal with everyday?
I've missed this. Oh, blogging, you make me feel so much better.
ANYWAY, I'm about to head off to a friend's place. We're probably going to sit around and eat Christmas leftovers.
Bye. :)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's been a while. And I have no excuses for you. Let us forge on.
I have officially conquered my first week of the tenth grade. Being a sophomore feels a lot better than being a freshman. Even thought it's just a tiny step up, I can feel the power coursing through me. I can now yell "STUPID FRESHMEN!" at confused ninth graders. I can tell them what to do. I can make then do things for me. I AM ALIIIIIIIIIVE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough*
Anyway, my classes for this tri-mester are:
1st hour: Band
2nd hour: CP Algebra 2
3rd hour: Spanish II
4th hour: American English
5th hour: CP Biology
Band's a great class to have. I don't have a text book or homework. Sometimes, it gets on my nerves but hey, I could never quit. Mr.Beson is my director. I've had him since the fifth grade so I know what to expect. Algebra II makes me nervous. I'm doing good so far but math and I.....don't get along very well. I have a compact man called Mr.Betway as a teacher. You can tell he's absolutely IN LOVE with all things numeric. He does a lot of board work, which is good, I'm usually a visual learner. Spanish is pie. PIE. Lots of homework though. I have the same teacher a I did last year. Senora Weber. The class is pretty boring but I manage to enjoy it on a regular basis. I'll always love English. And I just so happen to love my english teacher this year. She's witty and you can tell that she really cares about literature. Mrs.Barczyk. CP Biology is peachy. Mrs.Madigan is a bit odd but I like her. I sit right next to a good friend in that class so it's hilarious.
I own four cockatiels. Crackers, Peatree, Leia and Chips. Chips is a bastard. Really, he is one mean bird. We're under suspicion that he's pulling the feathers off of the other bird's heads. Yeah, he's in solitary isolation. We put him in a seperate cage and moved that cage in the upstairs office. He squawks almost constantly and is exhausted at night. He's constantly nervous. I feel bad for him. And today, my devil cat, Izzy, was pawing at him through the bars. I almost beat that cat. My Mom treats Izzy like her baby. He can do no wrong. So when I see him doing something bad, I punish him. He gets a slap on the butt. Chips was trembling. The poor baby. I sweet talked him down and gave him some treat millet spray. I wanted to cuddle him but uh, he's a mean bird. Yeah, he's stressed. I'm stressed. We're all tired. Goodnight.
I have officially conquered my first week of the tenth grade. Being a sophomore feels a lot better than being a freshman. Even thought it's just a tiny step up, I can feel the power coursing through me. I can now yell "STUPID FRESHMEN!" at confused ninth graders. I can tell them what to do. I can make then do things for me. I AM ALIIIIIIIIIVE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough*
Anyway, my classes for this tri-mester are:
1st hour: Band
2nd hour: CP Algebra 2
3rd hour: Spanish II
4th hour: American English
5th hour: CP Biology
Band's a great class to have. I don't have a text book or homework. Sometimes, it gets on my nerves but hey, I could never quit. Mr.Beson is my director. I've had him since the fifth grade so I know what to expect. Algebra II makes me nervous. I'm doing good so far but math and I.....don't get along very well. I have a compact man called Mr.Betway as a teacher. You can tell he's absolutely IN LOVE with all things numeric. He does a lot of board work, which is good, I'm usually a visual learner. Spanish is pie. PIE. Lots of homework though. I have the same teacher a I did last year. Senora Weber. The class is pretty boring but I manage to enjoy it on a regular basis. I'll always love English. And I just so happen to love my english teacher this year. She's witty and you can tell that she really cares about literature. Mrs.Barczyk. CP Biology is peachy. Mrs.Madigan is a bit odd but I like her. I sit right next to a good friend in that class so it's hilarious.
I own four cockatiels. Crackers, Peatree, Leia and Chips. Chips is a bastard. Really, he is one mean bird. We're under suspicion that he's pulling the feathers off of the other bird's heads. Yeah, he's in solitary isolation. We put him in a seperate cage and moved that cage in the upstairs office. He squawks almost constantly and is exhausted at night. He's constantly nervous. I feel bad for him. And today, my devil cat, Izzy, was pawing at him through the bars. I almost beat that cat. My Mom treats Izzy like her baby. He can do no wrong. So when I see him doing something bad, I punish him. He gets a slap on the butt. Chips was trembling. The poor baby. I sweet talked him down and gave him some treat millet spray. I wanted to cuddle him but uh, he's a mean bird. Yeah, he's stressed. I'm stressed. We're all tired. Goodnight.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
"Do you happen to have any ukuleles?"
"Why yes, we do. Two just came in last week. One's already been bought. They're selling fast."
And there is was, the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while, my (hopefully) future ukulele. Only forty dollars, I'm pumped beyond belief. Once I saw him, I knew what he'd be called, Pappy. I rifled through the junk on my desk, searching for something to put on him. I found an old ribbon I bought from a party store that was closing a while a go. #1 Grandpa. PUMPED! PUUUUUUUUMPED!
Onto other happy-making news, I might be getting a small aquarium for my gold fish, Morgan Freeman. He's SUCH a dirty fish. I hate keeping him in cloudly water for more than a few minutes, so I change his water every other day. This fish is treated like royalty, siriusly. So, if I get an aquarium, he'll be getting a fishy friend! I was eyeing this black pop-eyed gold fish at the store....
SFBOMD is still in Japan. I received some pictures a couple days ago. He's having the time of his life. I'm jealous but things aren't so bad here. I've been in a pretty fantastic mood for the last few days. I don't know if I'm marinating in the it'salmosttheendofthesummerlet'sdostuff excitement but it's been pleasant. I'm ready to go back to school. I miss seeing people and having something important to focus on.
"Why yes, we do. Two just came in last week. One's already been bought. They're selling fast."
And there is was, the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while, my (hopefully) future ukulele. Only forty dollars, I'm pumped beyond belief. Once I saw him, I knew what he'd be called, Pappy. I rifled through the junk on my desk, searching for something to put on him. I found an old ribbon I bought from a party store that was closing a while a go. #1 Grandpa. PUMPED! PUUUUUUUUMPED!
Onto other happy-making news, I might be getting a small aquarium for my gold fish, Morgan Freeman. He's SUCH a dirty fish. I hate keeping him in cloudly water for more than a few minutes, so I change his water every other day. This fish is treated like royalty, siriusly. So, if I get an aquarium, he'll be getting a fishy friend! I was eyeing this black pop-eyed gold fish at the store....
SFBOMD is still in Japan. I received some pictures a couple days ago. He's having the time of his life. I'm jealous but things aren't so bad here. I've been in a pretty fantastic mood for the last few days. I don't know if I'm marinating in the it'salmosttheendofthesummerlet'sdostuff excitement but it's been pleasant. I'm ready to go back to school. I miss seeing people and having something important to focus on.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hello my freaky darlings...
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is on.....
Today, I woke around noon to my Mother opening the blinds. I then laid in bed for another hour, staring at my cactus and pouting. Why must the nights be so short? Why must the sun be so bright? "To fuel the world and all it's living things." My awake half side said. Yeah, whatever. I slouched around in some sweats and made a chicken quesadilla. I even added my own spicy sauce (was desperately trying to recreate Taco Bell's sauce). Then, I dressed quickly to hitch a ride to the dollar store with my Brother to get some snacks. Two Arizona Green Tea's, some wafer cookies and Cheddar Pringles. Then, I came home, pigged out and watched Donnie Darko. Eventful, huh? Now, I'm taking facebook quizzes. These things seriously rock. "Which Hogwarts Man Would You Have Ended Up With?" (DRACO) "Which Death Eater are you?" (Severus Snape) "Which DragonBall Z character are you?" (Vegeta) "NCIS, Who are you?" (McGee) "What 1st gen. pokemon are you?" (Bulbasaur) Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
Oh my god. Extenze 4 Her? Really? Taking a pill to increase your sex drive. Wowieeee. I mean, if you really need that... I hope no guys make their lady friends take this. They make drugs for everything. Whoa, nerd thought. They should make Polyjuice Pills. That would be way easier than brewing it. If I took a PP I'd turn into Michael Jackson, just to screw with everyone. (That....was mean.) How would I even get some of his....nevermind. Just nevermind.
Today, I woke around noon to my Mother opening the blinds. I then laid in bed for another hour, staring at my cactus and pouting. Why must the nights be so short? Why must the sun be so bright? "To fuel the world and all it's living things." My awake half side said. Yeah, whatever. I slouched around in some sweats and made a chicken quesadilla. I even added my own spicy sauce (was desperately trying to recreate Taco Bell's sauce). Then, I dressed quickly to hitch a ride to the dollar store with my Brother to get some snacks. Two Arizona Green Tea's, some wafer cookies and Cheddar Pringles. Then, I came home, pigged out and watched Donnie Darko. Eventful, huh? Now, I'm taking facebook quizzes. These things seriously rock. "Which Hogwarts Man Would You Have Ended Up With?" (DRACO) "Which Death Eater are you?" (Severus Snape) "Which DragonBall Z character are you?" (Vegeta) "NCIS, Who are you?" (McGee) "What 1st gen. pokemon are you?" (Bulbasaur) Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
Oh my god. Extenze 4 Her? Really? Taking a pill to increase your sex drive. Wowieeee. I mean, if you really need that... I hope no guys make their lady friends take this. They make drugs for everything. Whoa, nerd thought. They should make Polyjuice Pills. That would be way easier than brewing it. If I took a PP I'd turn into Michael Jackson, just to screw with everyone. (That....was mean.) How would I even get some of his....nevermind. Just nevermind.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ahhh, vacation.
I'm in South Carolina. Sweet, hot, sunny, South Carolina. It's been raining all week in Detroit. *does a neener neener dance* Ha ha ha ha HA! We're currently staying at Hilton Head Island. Soft sandy beaches, palm trees and cute lizards running around. The only bad things are that I get bored...quite easily and it's super quiet here. Today, I sucked at miniature golf and floated around a pool. Oh! They have these things called "palmetto bugs". Sounds pretty exotic, right? I thought that these bugs might even be pretty. They aren't, because they're really cockroaches. HOW DARE YOU DECEIVE ME SOUTH CAROLINIANS!?!?!? Ahem, moving on.
While I was floating in the previously mentioned pool I overheard the following conversation:
little boy #1: Hey! Little boy #2!
little boy #2: What?
little boy #1: This is Little boy #3, he swam under my boogie board so we're friends now.
Easy friendship, no? I wish things were still that easy. No automatic judgement and drama. Although, being older definitely has it's benefits.
Anyway, tomorrow we're driving into Savannah, Georgia for a ghost tour. I'm outrageously excited. I'm doubtful we'll actually see anything but the atmosphere is good enough for me. I'm not really sure on what my opinion on ghosts is but I like them, real or not. :) Well, I'm off to shamelessly write Harry Potter fanfiction. If you're interested, I can post my family. I'm married to Draco. Ha ha. We have children. Three, actually. Pansy can suck it. XD
While I was floating in the previously mentioned pool I overheard the following conversation:
little boy #1: Hey! Little boy #2!
little boy #2: What?
little boy #1: This is Little boy #3, he swam under my boogie board so we're friends now.
Easy friendship, no? I wish things were still that easy. No automatic judgement and drama. Although, being older definitely has it's benefits.
Anyway, tomorrow we're driving into Savannah, Georgia for a ghost tour. I'm outrageously excited. I'm doubtful we'll actually see anything but the atmosphere is good enough for me. I'm not really sure on what my opinion on ghosts is but I like them, real or not. :) Well, I'm off to shamelessly write Harry Potter fanfiction. If you're interested, I can post my family. I'm married to Draco. Ha ha. We have children. Three, actually. Pansy can suck it. XD
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
And I don't even know how to drive...
It's true. I've never taken any driving courses. I've steered a few golf carts but that's about it. My Dad just made a trade and got a PT Cruiser. It's a fantastic plum color. He changed out the plain silver locks with...more...interesting ones. I named the car Vendetta. Hopefully, I'll be learning how to drive with her. I sat in the driver's seat for the first time today. My Dad showed me all the controls. I think I'll be a pretty horrible driver. I panic easily. :(
I don't really feel like talking about Harry Potter right now. It's still swirling around in my brain. The more I think about the movie the more I want to see it again before I make my final opinion. The rush of opening night always makes things better for me. The New Moon trailer did impress me, though. The human to wolf transformation was great. I thought it looked really good. It pains me to say that I might be just a liiiiittle excited.
I can't even try to link subjects together anymore. I got a cactus from K-Mart. I love him very much. I just hope he's getting enough sunlight on my headboard. He's right next to the window but there are a lot of trees infront of my house. His name is Ned. I'm going to water him lightly every nine days. I keep looking over at him now. Please don't die on me, dude. He's almost like my baby (since my cat, who was supposed to be my baby, favors my Mother). *coos at cactus*
I'm leaving for another vacation this Saturday. I'm not sure if I'm taking my laptop or not. I still have to ask. We're going to South Carolina. The Hilton Head resort? I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. It's just a fancy hotel with pools and a strip of beach. Fun. My Dad wants to go jet-skiing. I think I'll pass. If I fell off that thing in deep water, I'd flip. I don't care if I had a floatation device on. Sharks are terrifying.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Being in love is hard.
And before I get blasted about love and how I'm too young and yadda yadda, let me explain myself. I really think I might be in love with this guy. It's crazy but it feels right. I've never worried about a boyfriend like I do him. I'd like to say he brings out the best and sometimes worst in me. And he stays through all my crap and emotional spells, which is refreshing. He hasn't called me crazy or bitchy. It just works with him, so I'm going with it. :)
SFBOMD left for Japan last night. His Dad works for Microsoft and they have job opportunities there. I miss him already. I feel pathetic for doing so. I hope he's okay. There's a thirteen hour time distance. HE IS IN THE FUTURE! He's staying at a hostel for two nights and then moving south on the mainland. I'm worried about him. Even though I know the movie Hostel is completely unrealistic, I can still see some physcotic killers running loose there.
Today, 7/11 was giving away free 7.11oz slurpees. Mike, Diana and Jocelyn came to my house and we all walked there together. I had a mixture of Mountain Dew and Blue Raspberry? I don't know, it was blue. So, we were hanging out in front of the store. (loitering) When Kyle, a friendish thing from school, comes out of no where. He DROVE to 7/11. It's so weird to see him driving. It's so weird that he's a Junior! God. Anyway, he says a bunch more people are walking up to meet him. We hang out some more, they arrived, hugs were shared, blah blah blah. It was pretty mellow. All of a sudden this young lady rolls up in her H3 with a car full of friends. They stormed the store and were standing around by her car when another vehicle pulled up next to them. The yelling started almost automatically. "IF YOU'RE GONNA TALK SHIT! SAY IT TO MY FACE!" And so on. The H3 owner whips her slurpee at the other car and misses. Ultimately splashing on her own car, inside and out. She swears some more and the other car drives away. She quickly wipes her car down, obviously frustrated, gets back into the car and tries to pull out. She rams into an innocent white pick-up. It was wildly entertaining. All we could do was stare. More cussing ensued, almost every adult in the area felt the need to step in. The H3 called someone while weeping (probably her loaded father) and told a totally different story to make it seem like it wasn't her fault. Kids these days. :)
SFBOMD left for Japan last night. His Dad works for Microsoft and they have job opportunities there. I miss him already. I feel pathetic for doing so. I hope he's okay. There's a thirteen hour time distance. HE IS IN THE FUTURE! He's staying at a hostel for two nights and then moving south on the mainland. I'm worried about him. Even though I know the movie Hostel is completely unrealistic, I can still see some physcotic killers running loose there.
Today, 7/11 was giving away free 7.11oz slurpees. Mike, Diana and Jocelyn came to my house and we all walked there together. I had a mixture of Mountain Dew and Blue Raspberry? I don't know, it was blue. So, we were hanging out in front of the store. (loitering) When Kyle, a friendish thing from school, comes out of no where. He DROVE to 7/11. It's so weird to see him driving. It's so weird that he's a Junior! God. Anyway, he says a bunch more people are walking up to meet him. We hang out some more, they arrived, hugs were shared, blah blah blah. It was pretty mellow. All of a sudden this young lady rolls up in her H3 with a car full of friends. They stormed the store and were standing around by her car when another vehicle pulled up next to them. The yelling started almost automatically. "IF YOU'RE GONNA TALK SHIT! SAY IT TO MY FACE!" And so on. The H3 owner whips her slurpee at the other car and misses. Ultimately splashing on her own car, inside and out. She swears some more and the other car drives away. She quickly wipes her car down, obviously frustrated, gets back into the car and tries to pull out. She rams into an innocent white pick-up. It was wildly entertaining. All we could do was stare. More cussing ensued, almost every adult in the area felt the need to step in. The H3 called someone while weeping (probably her loaded father) and told a totally different story to make it seem like it wasn't her fault. Kids these days. :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tyler is the raw definition of awesome.
She really is my best friend. :) I love her craziness. She makes me laugh constantly. She's creative and oddly poetic. I always have fun with her. She makes me do things I normally wouldn't. I've learned a lot. She's expanded the world of literature for me. I trust her enough to let her see my writing and let her hear my ideas. We fight sometimes, but it's just because we're very different people. We respect eachother and have discussed some heavy topics. I hope I've helped her as much as she's helped me. (This blog post was not at all asked for. XD)
Friday, July 3, 2009
I buy ridiculousness.

I managed to crawl out of the comfort of my house to go to the mall today (in a skirt too). My parents got me a fifty dollar Borders gift card (which I forgot to bring) so I figured I'd better use it. My brother dropped my friend and I off at the mall where we continued straight to the book store. I wandered the shelves while my friend puttered through about a million c.d.s. I ended up getting two more Sarah Dessen books, putting my total collection at four. This Lullaby and The Truth About Forever. As I was digging in my wallet to pay, I discovered that I didn't have my gift card and paid in cash, agitation clear on my face. We popped in several other stores, looking around for nothing in particular. And then, in Hot Topic, I saw it. The most beautiful Slytherin hoodie in the world. I bought it for $49. Expensive, yes but totally worth it. *snuggles hoodie*
My Harry Potter addiction is definitely crushing me again, just in time for the sixth movie. WHICH HAPPENS TO BE MY FAVORITE BOOK! It's so dramatic but fun at the same time. I can't wait to see the Katie Spinnet bit, where she's lifting into the air because of the horcrux. *practically explodes* I know it's not going to be as good as the book,'s still exciting. I'm dressing up for opening night. Not my whole uniform, just my favorite pieces. (my tie) I'll probably throw my new hoodie on too. :3 This blog post blows, I can just tell. My other friend and I write...Harry Potter.....fanfiction. God, we're nerds. It's really, really fun though. XD I love it. We both get extremely giddy when we write about Harry Potter. It's like a side effect from all the magic.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael's dead!
I'm shocked. :0 I now ask you to come on a little journey and reminisce with me. The stage: a half finished 80s decor basement. Horrible brown and tan plush swirled carpet, dark wood panel walls, a record player the size of an oven with a bent needle. A chubby nine year old girl on her knees wearing her Mother's old neon legwarmers and hot pink shoulder shirt. Her tone deaf imitation of the Jackson Five's Who's Loving You making people wince upstairs. That, ladies and gentlemen was me. (As if you couldn't guess.) I fell in love with my Father's almost broken record player at a young age. When I hit the age where you stop being a cute little girl and aren't a "hot" teenager yet I tore into my parent's record collection. I happened to find the precious jewel that is 'Diana Ross Presents the Jackson 5' and fell deeply in love with Toriano Adaryll "Tito" Jackson. He was my first celebrity crush. Oh, Tito. Michael was Tito's "brother", so rest in peace, even if you were off your rocker.
Onto a totally unrelated paragraph! I'm leaving for New York City, New York tomorrow morning. I'm going with....Girl Scouts. We're staying at some snazzy hotel and have a bus tour lined up. I'm just looking forward to the experience. I'm taking my camera but will probably only taking a few pictures. I always seem to get caught up in the thrill of traveling to actually slow down and take pictures. Plus, pictures never have the same effect. Seeing the NYC skyline won't hit you the same way it will when you're gazing at if off your hotel balcony. The shifting colors and rush of Times Square can't be captured in a photo. I'm excited. :)
Onto a totally unrelated paragraph! I'm leaving for New York City, New York tomorrow morning. I'm going with....Girl Scouts. We're staying at some snazzy hotel and have a bus tour lined up. I'm just looking forward to the experience. I'm taking my camera but will probably only taking a few pictures. I always seem to get caught up in the thrill of traveling to actually slow down and take pictures. Plus, pictures never have the same effect. Seeing the NYC skyline won't hit you the same way it will when you're gazing at if off your hotel balcony. The shifting colors and rush of Times Square can't be captured in a photo. I'm excited. :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I guess..
I guess SFBOMD and are "officially together." And I guess that's what I've been longing for all this time. I guess it's kind of weird that all my IRL friends are finally being supportive and my online friends have been supportive since the beginning. I guess I'm super excited for him to call me. :) I know I like him way too much.
I had a band camp meeting yesterday. It ended up lasting a couple hours because we were all so excited to be in one room again. You can tell that everyone's changing, hunkering down into their new titles. Juniors become Seniors, I'm pretty sure you know the drill. I still feel like a Freshy and that this is just a long weekend break. When I saw all the new band Freshies pour in, it really hit me. I'm going to be out of here in three years. What the hell am I going to do without the uniform schedule of high school? Yeah, I hate it sometimes. But if you think about it, going to school is all we've ever known. Damn.
I had a band camp meeting yesterday. It ended up lasting a couple hours because we were all so excited to be in one room again. You can tell that everyone's changing, hunkering down into their new titles. Juniors become Seniors, I'm pretty sure you know the drill. I still feel like a Freshy and that this is just a long weekend break. When I saw all the new band Freshies pour in, it really hit me. I'm going to be out of here in three years. What the hell am I going to do without the uniform schedule of high school? Yeah, I hate it sometimes. But if you think about it, going to school is all we've ever known. Damn.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I suck at this.
I haven't posted in forever. Fail.
I don't even know why I'm in the mood to blog right now. I'm on vacation, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains and I'm sitting in my room, on my laptop. I could be hiking or swimming. Or playing miniature golf! But here I am, in my room, on my laptop.
My family's renting this cabin for the entire trip. It's way better than staying in a hotel. We have our own kitchen, theatre room, pool table and jacuzzi. It's sweeeeet. Plus, the whole resort has Wifi. We have a great view from our balcony. I can't even begin to explain my relationship with nature. I'm usually not an outdoor type of person. I stand by John Green's opinion "No matter how nice it is outside, it's always going to be a little bit nicer inside." but when you put me in a new place I go all hippie. Love the earth, man. Dude, appreciate the natural beauty. *eyes glaze over* It might because of my love of trees. There are trees everywhere here. EVERYWHERE. It may be because of my cloud fascination. I don't know, maaaaaaan. Let's just chill and like, totally move on.
SFBOMD and I are still talking. Resulting in me cultivating and stroking a girlish crush which will either transform into something magnificent or die and crush me with it's deadweight. We'll just have to wait and see. Today marks one month of communication. Huzzah.
I don't even know why I'm in the mood to blog right now. I'm on vacation, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains and I'm sitting in my room, on my laptop. I could be hiking or swimming. Or playing miniature golf! But here I am, in my room, on my laptop.
My family's renting this cabin for the entire trip. It's way better than staying in a hotel. We have our own kitchen, theatre room, pool table and jacuzzi. It's sweeeeet. Plus, the whole resort has Wifi. We have a great view from our balcony. I can't even begin to explain my relationship with nature. I'm usually not an outdoor type of person. I stand by John Green's opinion "No matter how nice it is outside, it's always going to be a little bit nicer inside." but when you put me in a new place I go all hippie. Love the earth, man. Dude, appreciate the natural beauty. *eyes glaze over* It might because of my love of trees. There are trees everywhere here. EVERYWHERE. It may be because of my cloud fascination. I don't know, maaaaaaan. Let's just chill and like, totally move on.
SFBOMD and I are still talking. Resulting in me cultivating and stroking a girlish crush which will either transform into something magnificent or die and crush me with it's deadweight. We'll just have to wait and see. Today marks one month of communication. Huzzah.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Just watch it.
It amazes me how people can mistreat other people. Girls can be so mean. Never take a good friend for granted. If you mess with the people I really care about, you will be hearing from me. I don't cuss people out or do something trivial but I do let you know that you will never have my trust or respect. I will make you feel small.
It amazes me how people can mistreat other people. Girls can be so mean. Never take a good friend for granted. If you mess with the people I really care about, you will be hearing from me. I don't cuss people out or do something trivial but I do let you know that you will never have my trust or respect. I will make you feel small.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
School is killing me.
That's really all I have to say. I'm exhausted and cranky. And watching Obama's speech made me crave Arabic food.
Monday, June 1, 2009
You're the mean one, buddy.
I'm incredibly restless. I want to be outside, walking with one of my good friends. He, on the other hand, wants to be sucking face with his girlfriend. So, here I am. Exams are approaching at a terrifying rate. I'm ready, I know I am but it still scares the shit out of me. Some hard core study sessions are going to be happening very soon. I'm talking iced coffees and fritos. Yeah, serious stuff. My grade point average sits at a 3.5 currently. Stupid geometry dropped me down from a 3.8. Growl.
At dinner this evening my brother and I got into a discussion (agrument) that settled down nicely, both of us happy (I won, he was pissed and I'm still a bit snippy). He's going to live at home and commute to college. That isn't my style. I want to go away for college. Live in a dorm or get an apartment. Y'know, grow up. He got all defensive. "So, are you saying that by me staying home, saving money for Mom and Dad, I'm not "growing up"?" Woah, dude, take a chill pill. My Mom butted in a few times. "Now, you know Sara has a little more of a free spirit than you do." Uh, no, not really. I just don't listen to Mommy and Daddy on EVERYTHING. Blehhhh.
At dinner this evening my brother and I got into a discussion (agrument) that settled down nicely, both of us happy (I won, he was pissed and I'm still a bit snippy). He's going to live at home and commute to college. That isn't my style. I want to go away for college. Live in a dorm or get an apartment. Y'know, grow up. He got all defensive. "So, are you saying that by me staying home, saving money for Mom and Dad, I'm not "growing up"?" Woah, dude, take a chill pill. My Mom butted in a few times. "Now, you know Sara has a little more of a free spirit than you do." Uh, no, not really. I just don't listen to Mommy and Daddy on EVERYTHING. Blehhhh.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wait....Harry's gay?
It took me three times to figure out that Harry in Mamma Mia was indeed gay. I'm really slow sometimes. *shakes head slowly in defeat*
I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I have...about thirty geometry problems that are due tomorrow and four science worksheets that are due....whenever Mr.totallyevilscienceteacher decides they are. I'm dreading the geometry. :( But, I'm copying for the worksheets. Because I'm a slacker and already have an A in that class. Having to do fill in the blank worksheets in ninth grade is just a tad silly. I would say that it insults my intelligence but I honestly don't care. It just bores the crap out of me. So, I'm going to be a bad student and cheat. +1 rebellion point for Sara.
What I am about to tell you still makes me feel icky. Gah, it's nasty. I was sitting in church, pretending to pay attention, staying quiet and behaving. One of the larger families was sitting in front of my own. They have six kids. SIX. KIDS. Bleh. So, the youngest, maybe a year old? was being fussy. All of the older women who are past their fertile years think this is cute. I find it annoying and crave to shut the thing up. Growl. I don't like babies. Too much work. So, the kid is THRASHING around with it's horrid, drooly, mouth open. So, gravity took it's course and this GLOB of gooey, ucky, horrible drool dropped from it's mouth and pooled on the pew. I almost gagged. The kid's Dad didn't even notice but his older sisters were staring. We all exchanged disgusted looks and then started laughing our asses off. Yes, this story may have a happy ending but I am still haunted by that slimy puddle. *shivers*
I guess I should get to that homework now. :((((( Exams are soon. Poop.
I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I have...about thirty geometry problems that are due tomorrow and four science worksheets that are due....whenever Mr.totallyevilscienceteacher decides they are. I'm dreading the geometry. :( But, I'm copying for the worksheets. Because I'm a slacker and already have an A in that class. Having to do fill in the blank worksheets in ninth grade is just a tad silly. I would say that it insults my intelligence but I honestly don't care. It just bores the crap out of me. So, I'm going to be a bad student and cheat. +1 rebellion point for Sara.
What I am about to tell you still makes me feel icky. Gah, it's nasty. I was sitting in church, pretending to pay attention, staying quiet and behaving. One of the larger families was sitting in front of my own. They have six kids. SIX. KIDS. Bleh. So, the youngest, maybe a year old? was being fussy. All of the older women who are past their fertile years think this is cute. I find it annoying and crave to shut the thing up. Growl. I don't like babies. Too much work. So, the kid is THRASHING around with it's horrid, drooly, mouth open. So, gravity took it's course and this GLOB of gooey, ucky, horrible drool dropped from it's mouth and pooled on the pew. I almost gagged. The kid's Dad didn't even notice but his older sisters were staring. We all exchanged disgusted looks and then started laughing our asses off. Yes, this story may have a happy ending but I am still haunted by that slimy puddle. *shivers*
I guess I should get to that homework now. :((((( Exams are soon. Poop.
Friday, May 29, 2009
George Foreman Adventures.
I made my own chicken pitas for dinner today. I'm proud. :)
Yes, so. Yeah. I had sort of an emotional breakdown last night. It was pretty rough. I'm fine, don't worry. All of my stress just kind of raped my brain at once resulting in horrible sounding gag sobs. I haven't cried that hard in a while. I forgot how exhausting it can be. Blehhh.
So, I have planity plan plans for tonight. My brother's going to drive my friend and I up to a local "custard" place to get some "custard". Whatever, it's friggen' icecream. Then earlier mentioned friend is going to spend the night. We're going to watch some movies. Maybe Juno, maybe Iron Man <3, maybe S.Darko. It really depends on how we're feeling.
Ew, gross little paragraphs again. I've been listening to The General Specific by Band of Horses on repeat for a good....half hour? now. I like the song lots and lots. As if that wasn't obvious. I can't really think of anything else to say. Ha, fail. My brain is so ready for summer. I'm pretty sure it almost gave up on me today in Geometry. Poor little fella. *pats head* Only eight more days.
In band we're picking out the marching show for next year. We've managed to narrow it down to: The Beatles, Bon Jovi, The Incredibles, Styx, Video Games, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. I really hope we end up doing The Beatles. It's a compilation of Eleanor Rigby, Hey Jude and one other song that escapes me at the moment. It's really groovy. During Hey Jude most of the band stops playing and sing/chants "Nah Nah Nah na na na naaaaaaaaaa. Na na na na naaaa. Heeeey Judeeee!". XD XD XD XD I honestly want to scream it from the roof tops.
Psh, I wish my name was Jude.
Yes, so. Yeah. I had sort of an emotional breakdown last night. It was pretty rough. I'm fine, don't worry. All of my stress just kind of raped my brain at once resulting in horrible sounding gag sobs. I haven't cried that hard in a while. I forgot how exhausting it can be. Blehhh.
So, I have planity plan plans for tonight. My brother's going to drive my friend and I up to a local "custard" place to get some "custard". Whatever, it's friggen' icecream. Then earlier mentioned friend is going to spend the night. We're going to watch some movies. Maybe Juno, maybe Iron Man <3, maybe S.Darko. It really depends on how we're feeling.
Ew, gross little paragraphs again. I've been listening to The General Specific by Band of Horses on repeat for a good....half hour? now. I like the song lots and lots. As if that wasn't obvious. I can't really think of anything else to say. Ha, fail. My brain is so ready for summer. I'm pretty sure it almost gave up on me today in Geometry. Poor little fella. *pats head* Only eight more days.
In band we're picking out the marching show for next year. We've managed to narrow it down to: The Beatles, Bon Jovi, The Incredibles, Styx, Video Games, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. I really hope we end up doing The Beatles. It's a compilation of Eleanor Rigby, Hey Jude and one other song that escapes me at the moment. It's really groovy. During Hey Jude most of the band stops playing and sing/chants "Nah Nah Nah na na na naaaaaaaaaa. Na na na na naaaa. Heeeey Judeeee!". XD XD XD XD I honestly want to scream it from the roof tops.
Psh, I wish my name was Jude.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I am a nasty ho.
Three boys are now interested in me. I believe all the attention is starting to drive me mad. Why is it when you are finally attracted to someone and they reprocate with their own attraction people just start popping out of the woodwork? "Hey!...I think you're gorgeous." "You're like, the coolest girl I know. :)" "You make me smile so much." I mean good god people. Why can't you be all lovey dovey when I'm available? Well, I guess I am avaliable since SFBOMD (that superfantastic was for you, Rachel) and I are not together. Er....moving on.
I'm anxious for school to be over. I'm going to be traveling a lot this summer. So, yay! First there's the band trip to Cedar Point. A weekend in the big apple follows. Then a week in the Smoky Mountains. Then a week in Hilton Head. Then six days in Gatlinburg. Then the annual family pool party in Cincinnati. Shyeah, busy. Of course there's all the crap to do around here. Try and save all of my neglected friendships. Go to lame firework displays. Renaissance fair. Blah blah blah. All while trying to look utterly adorable. Looking like a cute girl is not exactly my forte. :/
Today, in science, when I was supposed to being listening to an electricity lecture, I spotted a baby robin hopping around in the green house. All the science rooms at my school have a little green house added onto the back of the class room. It would be kind of cool if we actually used them. Mr.totallyevilscienceteacher fills his with junk. The door leading outside was open, so little birdy flew in, had an attack of mental retardation, and didn't understand how to get back out. He was pecking at the windows and his Mommy would land on the outside edge and try to feed him bugs through the glass. It was entertaining. My friends and I decided to name him Oliver Erwin Xavier Dots. Well, M liked Oliver and Xavier and E liked Erwin. M thought it made sense to have Dots in his name because he had a speckled chest. I didn't really contribute to the name picking. I did, however, arrange said names. After our little "OH LOOK AT THE BIRDY!" fest I started feeling bad for the little guy. So, for his sake, I approached Mr.totallyevilscienceteacher and told him about Oliver Erwin Xavier Dots and his situation of possibly being stuck. I didn't want the teacher to be locking up and not notice him! He'd be trapped! :0!
I am a savior to the animals! HURRAY!
I'm anxious for school to be over. I'm going to be traveling a lot this summer. So, yay! First there's the band trip to Cedar Point. A weekend in the big apple follows. Then a week in the Smoky Mountains. Then a week in Hilton Head. Then six days in Gatlinburg. Then the annual family pool party in Cincinnati. Shyeah, busy. Of course there's all the crap to do around here. Try and save all of my neglected friendships. Go to lame firework displays. Renaissance fair. Blah blah blah. All while trying to look utterly adorable. Looking like a cute girl is not exactly my forte. :/
Today, in science, when I was supposed to being listening to an electricity lecture, I spotted a baby robin hopping around in the green house. All the science rooms at my school have a little green house added onto the back of the class room. It would be kind of cool if we actually used them. Mr.totallyevilscienceteacher fills his with junk. The door leading outside was open, so little birdy flew in, had an attack of mental retardation, and didn't understand how to get back out. He was pecking at the windows and his Mommy would land on the outside edge and try to feed him bugs through the glass. It was entertaining. My friends and I decided to name him Oliver Erwin Xavier Dots. Well, M liked Oliver and Xavier and E liked Erwin. M thought it made sense to have Dots in his name because he had a speckled chest. I didn't really contribute to the name picking. I did, however, arrange said names. After our little "OH LOOK AT THE BIRDY!" fest I started feeling bad for the little guy. So, for his sake, I approached Mr.totallyevilscienceteacher and told him about Oliver Erwin Xavier Dots and his situation of possibly being stuck. I didn't want the teacher to be locking up and not notice him! He'd be trapped! :0!
I am a savior to the animals! HURRAY!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I don't know what to tell you....
That was a lie. I've honestly thought about blogging a few times over the past couple of weeks. When I would finally type in the appropriate URL I'd just skip over and read someone else's blogpost. Ha, I'm a horribly inconsistent person. Lots has happened since my last post, and I bet that I'll forget to include most of it.
The biggest thing that stands out is something that makes my heart flutter. Before I go on I must remind you, I am a dumb, vunerable, teenaged, girl. I've become utterly infatuated with a boy I've never met in person. We met online and I now have one of the biggest crushes of my life. I wish I was joking. We'll just call him....Superfantasticboyofmydreams. SFBOMD? How about we drop the Superfantastic part so I don't sound like too much of a creep. BOMD? Yeah, I can deal with that. BOMD is seventeen, a whole two years older than moi. It's strange because I'm usually attracted to younger guys. Yes, yes. Call me a cougar if you want. But ever since my last boyfriend, who was also seventeen (and a total jerk *has coughing fit*), I've been more drawn to older guys.
I honestly think I could talk to him for the rest of my pathetic life. What I like most about is that I was attracted by his personality first. I mean, looks do matter. If anyone says that they don't, they're lying or need to encounter a truly unattractive person that's madly in love with them. I base about...twenty to thirty percent of my shallow High School relationships off of looks. We automatically clicked and his personality was all I had to latch onto. I have recently received pictures and.......*explodes* He's more than I could've asked for. Plus, he thinks I'm adorable which is a mega boost to this incredible unstable self esteem.
Now, now. I understand the "dangers" of being interested in someone you met online. I know what I'm doing, trust me. I've considered the scenario of him being some fifty seven year old trying to gain my trust and then rape me. I would never go to meet BOMD, seeing as I am a young teen girl, it would be incredibly unsafe for little 'ole me. But I can dream, can't I? Unfortunately, he calls Seattle home, which is very, very, very far away from my own. There's a three hour time difference between us. *wonderful swooning girl happiness deflates* Most of my IRL friends are againist the idea of me talking to him. But I don't see how talking can hurt me. It is just chatting, after all. I'm not going to give him my social security number and address or anything. Like I said, I know what I'm doing. I have struck a respectable deal with most of my doubtful companions. If I am still in constant communication with BOMD by October, they'll chillax. That'll be six months of talking.
I really hope he isn't some creepy rapist. Wish me luck?
The biggest thing that stands out is something that makes my heart flutter. Before I go on I must remind you, I am a dumb, vunerable, teenaged, girl. I've become utterly infatuated with a boy I've never met in person. We met online and I now have one of the biggest crushes of my life. I wish I was joking. We'll just call him....Superfantasticboyofmydreams. SFBOMD? How about we drop the Superfantastic part so I don't sound like too much of a creep. BOMD? Yeah, I can deal with that. BOMD is seventeen, a whole two years older than moi. It's strange because I'm usually attracted to younger guys. Yes, yes. Call me a cougar if you want. But ever since my last boyfriend, who was also seventeen (and a total jerk *has coughing fit*), I've been more drawn to older guys.
I honestly think I could talk to him for the rest of my pathetic life. What I like most about is that I was attracted by his personality first. I mean, looks do matter. If anyone says that they don't, they're lying or need to encounter a truly unattractive person that's madly in love with them. I base about...twenty to thirty percent of my shallow High School relationships off of looks. We automatically clicked and his personality was all I had to latch onto. I have recently received pictures and.......*explodes* He's more than I could've asked for. Plus, he thinks I'm adorable which is a mega boost to this incredible unstable self esteem.
Now, now. I understand the "dangers" of being interested in someone you met online. I know what I'm doing, trust me. I've considered the scenario of him being some fifty seven year old trying to gain my trust and then rape me. I would never go to meet BOMD, seeing as I am a young teen girl, it would be incredibly unsafe for little 'ole me. But I can dream, can't I? Unfortunately, he calls Seattle home, which is very, very, very far away from my own. There's a three hour time difference between us. *wonderful swooning girl happiness deflates* Most of my IRL friends are againist the idea of me talking to him. But I don't see how talking can hurt me. It is just chatting, after all. I'm not going to give him my social security number and address or anything. Like I said, I know what I'm doing. I have struck a respectable deal with most of my doubtful companions. If I am still in constant communication with BOMD by October, they'll chillax. That'll be six months of talking.
I really hope he isn't some creepy rapist. Wish me luck?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I ate all her candy.
And I liked it.
I think that I should be allowed to skip a few days every now and then. If I set rules for this, I won't enjoy blogging anymore. Yeah, so, yeah. Aren't I eloquent? The following paragraph is going to sound like I am the stereotypical teenage girl.
I went shopping today. I went with my Mother. Which I always find is the best. Whenever I go with my friends I become extremely annoyed at them. I'm not a model citizen but they seem to forget all their manners once they step through those automatic doors. Anyway, I like shopping with my Mom because we have similar taste. I also enjoy picking things out for her. I love seeing her face when something fits perfect. My Mom's not a stick and often has trouble finding clothes that fall on her nicely. Everytime she pulls something on I cross my fingers and hope that it looks great on her. What can I say? I want my Mom to be happy and feel confident about herself. She complained about her body a couple of times but I quickly found someone worse off, pointed them out, and said "It could be worse." I'm aware that this is mean and I don't care. I don't like when my Mom's sad.
The Relay for Life is today in my area. A bunch of people are walking around a reflection pond for hours in my city. I watched them all for a couple minutes this morning. There has been a sign up booth in my school's lobby for a couple weeks but I always pass it without a second glance. I guess I'm kind of bitter when it comes to cancer. I know it's a horrible disease but what about all the others? I'm getting worked up about the unfairness of it all. Growl.
Moving on. I'm not a very positive person at the moment. I hope you picked up on that.
I think that I should be allowed to skip a few days every now and then. If I set rules for this, I won't enjoy blogging anymore. Yeah, so, yeah. Aren't I eloquent? The following paragraph is going to sound like I am the stereotypical teenage girl.
I went shopping today. I went with my Mother. Which I always find is the best. Whenever I go with my friends I become extremely annoyed at them. I'm not a model citizen but they seem to forget all their manners once they step through those automatic doors. Anyway, I like shopping with my Mom because we have similar taste. I also enjoy picking things out for her. I love seeing her face when something fits perfect. My Mom's not a stick and often has trouble finding clothes that fall on her nicely. Everytime she pulls something on I cross my fingers and hope that it looks great on her. What can I say? I want my Mom to be happy and feel confident about herself. She complained about her body a couple of times but I quickly found someone worse off, pointed them out, and said "It could be worse." I'm aware that this is mean and I don't care. I don't like when my Mom's sad.
The Relay for Life is today in my area. A bunch of people are walking around a reflection pond for hours in my city. I watched them all for a couple minutes this morning. There has been a sign up booth in my school's lobby for a couple weeks but I always pass it without a second glance. I guess I'm kind of bitter when it comes to cancer. I know it's a horrible disease but what about all the others? I'm getting worked up about the unfairness of it all. Growl.
Moving on. I'm not a very positive person at the moment. I hope you picked up on that.
Monday, May 11, 2009
I cut myself this morning.
I accidentally broke a snow globe a couple days ago. So, naturally I picked up all the glass and placed the shards on an old binder that happened to be sitting on the floor. Being a messy and mostly aloof teenager I left it there. I didn't throw it away until this morning after a piece of glass made it's way mysteriously into my bed where I procceeded to kneel on the damn thing. Ouchies. The only clean jeans I had were skinny so I had the pleasure of feeling demin rubbing againist my band-aid and irritated skin all day. I'm such a wimp. :)
I'm supposed to be curling my hair right now. There's a Band Banquet tonight. Awards are handed out, food is eaten, embarrassment spreads. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I have to get all dolled up. When in actuallity I frantically scramble to each of my friend's asking to borrow nice clothes from them. Then I resist the urge to claw my face off for fear of making my skin all red and puffy. Tonight I am wearing a black knee length skirt with a green dress top and finally a black shrug. All made of cotton or a blend by the way. I hope they have mashed potatoes. I love me some mashed potatoes. I am a little upset that I'm probably going to miss House tonight. I voiced my concerns to my mother and she pulled a look. "You shouldn't be planning your social life around your T.V. schedule! None of it is real!" Like I don't know that. Pshhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yeah, I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up and get dressed. Uh, ummmmm, I usually finish these with a snappy little remark. Shit. Errrr. OH! One quick story. You know those teachers who have a thing about you asking them "What are we doing today?"? Well, my beloved Geometry teacher, Mr.F, has one of those things. I usually get hyper right when his class starts but I've learned to hold the question inside. It slipped out today. "What are we doing today?" I paused and then quickly backtracked. "Wait. I didn't say that." He just started laughing. "That was precious, Molestme." (That's what my peers have teasingly called me for years for my actual last name is extremely polish and happens to rhyme. And I don't want to give out my real last name because it adds to the mystery of MOI!) I blushed. It's not like I have a crush on my teacher but it was just a good and original compliment. It made my day. So, when you're feeling down, just remember that I think anyone who reads this blog is PRECIOUS!
I'm supposed to be curling my hair right now. There's a Band Banquet tonight. Awards are handed out, food is eaten, embarrassment spreads. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I have to get all dolled up. When in actuallity I frantically scramble to each of my friend's asking to borrow nice clothes from them. Then I resist the urge to claw my face off for fear of making my skin all red and puffy. Tonight I am wearing a black knee length skirt with a green dress top and finally a black shrug. All made of cotton or a blend by the way. I hope they have mashed potatoes. I love me some mashed potatoes. I am a little upset that I'm probably going to miss House tonight. I voiced my concerns to my mother and she pulled a look. "You shouldn't be planning your social life around your T.V. schedule! None of it is real!" Like I don't know that. Pshhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yeah, I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up and get dressed. Uh, ummmmm, I usually finish these with a snappy little remark. Shit. Errrr. OH! One quick story. You know those teachers who have a thing about you asking them "What are we doing today?"? Well, my beloved Geometry teacher, Mr.F, has one of those things. I usually get hyper right when his class starts but I've learned to hold the question inside. It slipped out today. "What are we doing today?" I paused and then quickly backtracked. "Wait. I didn't say that." He just started laughing. "That was precious, Molestme." (That's what my peers have teasingly called me for years for my actual last name is extremely polish and happens to rhyme. And I don't want to give out my real last name because it adds to the mystery of MOI!) I blushed. It's not like I have a crush on my teacher but it was just a good and original compliment. It made my day. So, when you're feeling down, just remember that I think anyone who reads this blog is PRECIOUS!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Pineapple Duck induced stomach aches.
My Dad surprised me with an early birthday present this morning. It's a four foot long body pillow with this amazingly soft plush green cover. I think I'm falling in love with it. It really is the most comfortable thing in my life. *dreamy sigh* It actually kind of shocked me that my Dad remembered that my favorite color is green. Well, he could have remembered or have taken a lucky guess. I'm going to believe the first one because it fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Awwwwww, he's such a good daddy. Buying his crazy daughter bed accessories. It's kind of funny that I'm dwelling on my father on Mother's Day. Oh yeah, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Every Sunday my parents drag me to church. This Sunday I had the absolute JOY of sitting through nine kid's first holy communion. It made me think back to my own. I felt old sitting in those pews. I remember sweating the ceremony out in my puffy white dress and having to endure my cousin poking me the entire time. I remember smiling outrageously big and being proud to have "walked like a lady" in my half inch heels. I also remember the way too rich frosting on the cake which left me with comically similar symtoms of a hang over. Ok, enough flashbacks. Something at church that I did enjoy was watching my older brother try to stay awake. It just seemed vastly more funny than it usually is. Everytime his head would bob I would break out in a fit of giggles. My Dad threatened to seperate us. I'm fourteen and my brother's seventeen and we still can't be mature enough to sit next to eachother in church. It makes me happy that nothing's changed in our relationship. We've been through some rough times and I swear I could strangle the living crap out of him at times but my brother has always been pretty cool in my eyes.
Woo, that was a long one. I'm listening to my Disney playlist. It's loaded up with Mulan, Hercules, The Lion King and Little Mermaid songs. Which reminds me. Sebastion is a crab. And there is a difference. Crabs usually have four legs and two pinchers while lobsters can have up to twelve legs. Plus, lobsters taste way better. :)
Oh, and I love Obi-Wan from episode I, II, and III. I would have Ewan McGregor's babies.
My Dad surprised me with an early birthday present this morning. It's a four foot long body pillow with this amazingly soft plush green cover. I think I'm falling in love with it. It really is the most comfortable thing in my life. *dreamy sigh* It actually kind of shocked me that my Dad remembered that my favorite color is green. Well, he could have remembered or have taken a lucky guess. I'm going to believe the first one because it fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Awwwwww, he's such a good daddy. Buying his crazy daughter bed accessories. It's kind of funny that I'm dwelling on my father on Mother's Day. Oh yeah, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Every Sunday my parents drag me to church. This Sunday I had the absolute JOY of sitting through nine kid's first holy communion. It made me think back to my own. I felt old sitting in those pews. I remember sweating the ceremony out in my puffy white dress and having to endure my cousin poking me the entire time. I remember smiling outrageously big and being proud to have "walked like a lady" in my half inch heels. I also remember the way too rich frosting on the cake which left me with comically similar symtoms of a hang over. Ok, enough flashbacks. Something at church that I did enjoy was watching my older brother try to stay awake. It just seemed vastly more funny than it usually is. Everytime his head would bob I would break out in a fit of giggles. My Dad threatened to seperate us. I'm fourteen and my brother's seventeen and we still can't be mature enough to sit next to eachother in church. It makes me happy that nothing's changed in our relationship. We've been through some rough times and I swear I could strangle the living crap out of him at times but my brother has always been pretty cool in my eyes.
Woo, that was a long one. I'm listening to my Disney playlist. It's loaded up with Mulan, Hercules, The Lion King and Little Mermaid songs. Which reminds me. Sebastion is a crab. And there is a difference. Crabs usually have four legs and two pinchers while lobsters can have up to twelve legs. Plus, lobsters taste way better. :)
Oh, and I love Obi-Wan from episode I, II, and III. I would have Ewan McGregor's babies.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ace of Cakes is a great show.
I'm watching it right now.
I was terribly unproductive today. I got up at eleven and slouched around the house. I saw an I-Hop Strawberry Festival commericial on T.V. so I procceeded to make myself pancakes with strawberry sauce. I got dressed after two helpings and went back to watching T.V.
I love weekends because I get to sleep and don't have to smudge the little make-up that I do wear on. I just wake up and brush my hair, which always seems to fall into place perfectly on Saturdays and Sundays. My hair's always fussy when I actually have to go somewhere and look like a respectable human being.
My friend and I are going to try and take a walk every day this summer and eat a lemonade popsicle everytime. When we get to our respective houses we write something that we like about eachother on the popsicle stick and take a picture with it. I think it's going to be a really good way to become closer friends.
Ohhh, my phone just died. Poop. I feel like watching Star Wars. Oh, Obi-Wan, you take my breath away.
I was terribly unproductive today. I got up at eleven and slouched around the house. I saw an I-Hop Strawberry Festival commericial on T.V. so I procceeded to make myself pancakes with strawberry sauce. I got dressed after two helpings and went back to watching T.V.
I love weekends because I get to sleep and don't have to smudge the little make-up that I do wear on. I just wake up and brush my hair, which always seems to fall into place perfectly on Saturdays and Sundays. My hair's always fussy when I actually have to go somewhere and look like a respectable human being.
My friend and I are going to try and take a walk every day this summer and eat a lemonade popsicle everytime. When we get to our respective houses we write something that we like about eachother on the popsicle stick and take a picture with it. I think it's going to be a really good way to become closer friends.
Ohhh, my phone just died. Poop. I feel like watching Star Wars. Oh, Obi-Wan, you take my breath away.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Covered from head to toe in 100% cotton.
It's way too hot outside. I broke a sweat while walking home. When I get sweaty, I get grouchy. Enough said. I practically ran up to my room to change into some nice, cooooool cotton.
Nothing really happened at school today. I went to band, suffered through French, day-dreamed in Spanish, actually listening to a fairly entertaining lecture about atomic mass in science and read my book in Geometry.
Wow, I can't believe I have nothing to say. All I'm really looking forward to at the moment is sleeping. School has been kicking my ass lately so getting a chance to sleep for twelve hours sounds like heaven. A COTTONY heaven. Ha, I'm a dork.
Look at all those tiny paragraphs. They're unattractive and I suck at connecting ideas subtly. Katy Perry is a goddess, just throwing it out there. I'm hungry. Sorry this blogpost blows so hard. It's the weekend and I'm in a blah sort of mood. I'm going to avoid everyone I know from school and hunker down with the internet. I just sent a text that said "Don't do anything John Green wouldn't." And I leave you all with that.
Nothing really happened at school today. I went to band, suffered through French, day-dreamed in Spanish, actually listening to a fairly entertaining lecture about atomic mass in science and read my book in Geometry.
Wow, I can't believe I have nothing to say. All I'm really looking forward to at the moment is sleeping. School has been kicking my ass lately so getting a chance to sleep for twelve hours sounds like heaven. A COTTONY heaven. Ha, I'm a dork.
Look at all those tiny paragraphs. They're unattractive and I suck at connecting ideas subtly. Katy Perry is a goddess, just throwing it out there. I'm hungry. Sorry this blogpost blows so hard. It's the weekend and I'm in a blah sort of mood. I'm going to avoid everyone I know from school and hunker down with the internet. I just sent a text that said "Don't do anything John Green wouldn't." And I leave you all with that.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sebastion is a perfectly acceptable name.
I'm currently filled with an overflowing amount of annoyance. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating but, yeah. I'm pissed. I know I haven't blogged in days and it's entirely my fault. Sorry. Two people managed to ruin blogging for me within five minutes. I'm embaressed to say that I supported them at first but then, I settled in to my extremely moody rut. I'm way too much of a sissy/"good friend" to tell them that they blow. Truth is, I kind of, sort of, maybe need this. This is mine. And only minutes ago I decided that I want it to stay mine, no matter how much people cause my world and THE world to suck.
I'm going to continue to complain in this paragraph. You can skip over it if you want. I have a close-ish friend who thinks that my life is perfect. It drives me crazy. She is under some ridiculous illusion that NOTHING can EVER be wrong with me or in my life. My other friends pick up on my behavior and ask me about it but she just shrugs it off. And when I do finally explode all over the place she has the nerve to say "It always has to be about you, doesn't it?". *punches a baby*
Speaking of babies, F is over with her electronic baby from Child Development class. I named him Sebastion, which was criticized but I don't care. Sebastion is a great name in my opinion. It's different and that's what we're all striving for. To be original, unique. Aha, random moment of wisdom. Sebastion has made my decision towards hating babies even more concrete. This thing cries like a mofo. A. Mofo. It eats for an estimated fifteen minutes at a time, then has to be burped, then changed, and then rocked. That's way too much work. I am never have children, ever. Whenever I say that to an older person, who most likely has kids, they react with shock. "You'll change your mind when you meet a man you love." I just nod and smile. A male will never be able to sway my decisions. No matter how much I love him. I'm pretty sure I'll always be independent. I want to go to work and make money. I'll be your sugar momma. As long as I don't have to make three dozen cupcakes in one night for my child's class.
I'm going to continue to complain in this paragraph. You can skip over it if you want. I have a close-ish friend who thinks that my life is perfect. It drives me crazy. She is under some ridiculous illusion that NOTHING can EVER be wrong with me or in my life. My other friends pick up on my behavior and ask me about it but she just shrugs it off. And when I do finally explode all over the place she has the nerve to say "It always has to be about you, doesn't it?". *punches a baby*
Speaking of babies, F is over with her electronic baby from Child Development class. I named him Sebastion, which was criticized but I don't care. Sebastion is a great name in my opinion. It's different and that's what we're all striving for. To be original, unique. Aha, random moment of wisdom. Sebastion has made my decision towards hating babies even more concrete. This thing cries like a mofo. A. Mofo. It eats for an estimated fifteen minutes at a time, then has to be burped, then changed, and then rocked. That's way too much work. I am never have children, ever. Whenever I say that to an older person, who most likely has kids, they react with shock. "You'll change your mind when you meet a man you love." I just nod and smile. A male will never be able to sway my decisions. No matter how much I love him. I'm pretty sure I'll always be independent. I want to go to work and make money. I'll be your sugar momma. As long as I don't have to make three dozen cupcakes in one night for my child's class.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Did I really just waste four hours reading fanfiction?
Yes, I believe I did. :)
I don't really have anything to report today. OTHER THAN the fact that I have rescued my book from my science teacher's evil clutches with help from the sweet, little, old man sub we had today. He really was great. A little hesistant at first but then finally handed my baby over. "And if he's upset and wondering where it went just say that you sweet talked it out of me." Oooooooh, I love former teachers who have retired and now substitute for fun.
I have a strong immature urge to watch iCarly. What can I say, that show makes me giggle. And no matter how much I hate to say it, I almost peed myself laughing over the Fred episode. Well, really just over the end bit about the cabbages. CABBAGES!!!!!! Oh, shucks.
I guess you could say that I'm in a pretty good mood because I have nothing to complain about. I have myself a Lem'nLime Meijer soda and just consumed four pierogies. I had no homework today, which continues to astonish me. I usually get a thirty to forty problem load from geometry daily, plus either bookwork from spanish or reading and questions from science. Now that I think about it, my science teacher is this blog's first villain. If I had more than one follower, I 'd ask for your opinion on what his EVIL nick name should be. Something annoying but catchy. Kind of like Edward Cullen.
I don't really have anything to report today. OTHER THAN the fact that I have rescued my book from my science teacher's evil clutches with help from the sweet, little, old man sub we had today. He really was great. A little hesistant at first but then finally handed my baby over. "And if he's upset and wondering where it went just say that you sweet talked it out of me." Oooooooh, I love former teachers who have retired and now substitute for fun.
I have a strong immature urge to watch iCarly. What can I say, that show makes me giggle. And no matter how much I hate to say it, I almost peed myself laughing over the Fred episode. Well, really just over the end bit about the cabbages. CABBAGES!!!!!! Oh, shucks.
I guess you could say that I'm in a pretty good mood because I have nothing to complain about. I have myself a Lem'nLime Meijer soda and just consumed four pierogies. I had no homework today, which continues to astonish me. I usually get a thirty to forty problem load from geometry daily, plus either bookwork from spanish or reading and questions from science. Now that I think about it, my science teacher is this blog's first villain. If I had more than one follower, I 'd ask for your opinion on what his EVIL nick name should be. Something annoying but catchy. Kind of like Edward Cullen.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I just get excited really easily by other people's happiness. And in that case, it was hayleyghoover's. I have several stories soooo.....*hikes up overalls* LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!!
This morning I felt extremely compelled to get on my computer, which I usually never have time for because I am NOT a morning person. So, I booted Earnie up. Yes, my computer's name is Earnie. Earnie Nimbus 2008! Anyway, I logged on to all my regular sites. Youtube, Myspace, Blogger (new editon XD) and TMZ. I clicked through Youtube and the space, nothing new. A few comments from the frands, no new videos. I viewed my blog, because I think it looks pretty with it's Doctor Manhattan blue back drop. AND I NOTICED A COMMENT!!! A COMMENT!!! ON MY BLOG!!!! SOMEONE ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ MY RAMBLINGS!!! So, it was from this ultra-cool-super-awesome-fabulous chick named Rachel. And thus, my first blogger friend was born.
Now, on to some more dramatic news. My quirky science teacher flipped out today. Yesterday, we were supposed to be finishing our quantative seperations lab. But, being teenagers most of us neglected to do so. Our teacher gave us the first thirty or so minutes of class to finish up. Me, being a forced honor student, had already finished my lab. All questions were answered, perfectly restated and beautifully written. I get extremely tense when it comes to experiments. I have this thing about being precise. It drives my lab partners crazy. Anyway, we were using beakers or what Mr.H calls it "glass wear" so that means everyone participating needs to wear goggles or "eye protection". My table was already finished so we were all sitting, minding our own business. I was reading. And then......Mr.H explodes. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EYE PROTECTION!?!!?? GLASS WEAR IS OUT AND YOU LADIES DO NOT HAVE GOGGLES ON!!!!" Even though I wasn't being singled out, my heart raced. Trust me, I can get rebellious but I hate when teachers yell at me. Mr.H stomped his way over to our table and snatched my book. My. Book. "This is mine until further notice." I was scared shitless. It's still on his desk. He wouldn't give it back. It's probably cold and scared, sitting up there on top of ungraded assignments. Poor thing. :(
Final thing to tell you. Today I had to go to city hall during a school board meeting and except a medal and certificate for winning second place in......THE BATTLE OF THE BOOOOOKS! Yes, I'm aware that it's extremely nerdy. And I'm proud. I got all dressed up, nice looking as I could manage. My father insisted on driving me the block and a half distance from our house to the city hall and proceeded to complain about how hot it was in the meeting room. While I was sitting there, in the uncomfortable padded chairs, all I could think about was my Mother, sitting at home, watching the scene unfold on channel 12. My parents get all choked up about academic achievements. I can't even imagine how many times my Mother has called me her "smart cookie". I had to go up and accept my prizes and I actually got queasy. This awkward teenage stage is getting a bit out of hand. I have no idea why I was nervous. Nobody watches the community channel. I could of shown up in a Hannah Montana costume and nobody would know about it the next day. I really don't understand myself sometimes. Ugh.
This morning I felt extremely compelled to get on my computer, which I usually never have time for because I am NOT a morning person. So, I booted Earnie up. Yes, my computer's name is Earnie. Earnie Nimbus 2008! Anyway, I logged on to all my regular sites. Youtube, Myspace, Blogger (new editon XD) and TMZ. I clicked through Youtube and the space, nothing new. A few comments from the frands, no new videos. I viewed my blog, because I think it looks pretty with it's Doctor Manhattan blue back drop. AND I NOTICED A COMMENT!!! A COMMENT!!! ON MY BLOG!!!! SOMEONE ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ MY RAMBLINGS!!! So, it was from this ultra-cool-super-awesome-fabulous chick named Rachel. And thus, my first blogger friend was born.
Now, on to some more dramatic news. My quirky science teacher flipped out today. Yesterday, we were supposed to be finishing our quantative seperations lab. But, being teenagers most of us neglected to do so. Our teacher gave us the first thirty or so minutes of class to finish up. Me, being a forced honor student, had already finished my lab. All questions were answered, perfectly restated and beautifully written. I get extremely tense when it comes to experiments. I have this thing about being precise. It drives my lab partners crazy. Anyway, we were using beakers or what Mr.H calls it "glass wear" so that means everyone participating needs to wear goggles or "eye protection". My table was already finished so we were all sitting, minding our own business. I was reading. And then......Mr.H explodes. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EYE PROTECTION!?!!?? GLASS WEAR IS OUT AND YOU LADIES DO NOT HAVE GOGGLES ON!!!!" Even though I wasn't being singled out, my heart raced. Trust me, I can get rebellious but I hate when teachers yell at me. Mr.H stomped his way over to our table and snatched my book. My. Book. "This is mine until further notice." I was scared shitless. It's still on his desk. He wouldn't give it back. It's probably cold and scared, sitting up there on top of ungraded assignments. Poor thing. :(
Final thing to tell you. Today I had to go to city hall during a school board meeting and except a medal and certificate for winning second place in......THE BATTLE OF THE BOOOOOKS! Yes, I'm aware that it's extremely nerdy. And I'm proud. I got all dressed up, nice looking as I could manage. My father insisted on driving me the block and a half distance from our house to the city hall and proceeded to complain about how hot it was in the meeting room. While I was sitting there, in the uncomfortable padded chairs, all I could think about was my Mother, sitting at home, watching the scene unfold on channel 12. My parents get all choked up about academic achievements. I can't even imagine how many times my Mother has called me her "smart cookie". I had to go up and accept my prizes and I actually got queasy. This awkward teenage stage is getting a bit out of hand. I have no idea why I was nervous. Nobody watches the community channel. I could of shown up in a Hannah Montana costume and nobody would know about it the next day. I really don't understand myself sometimes. Ugh.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I fail.
I don't feel like blogging at all. I can't remember the last time I was this tired. I'm having a moody teenage girl day. Deal with it.
The tree in my front yard smells like cat urine when it blooms, I wish I was kidding. They are these adorable and pure looking blossoms. And then you get within a ten foot radius of the actual tree. I can't even open my window.
I don't even like spring. I like the cold, where there is no sweat. One plus of warm weather, an incredible amount of popsicles. My Dad packs the garage fridge full of icy pops and firecrackers so we can eat them outside while the Ice Cream truck drives by. :)
Yeah, this is all I can muster. I'm going to go and complain about my weight to everyone who has ears now.
The tree in my front yard smells like cat urine when it blooms, I wish I was kidding. They are these adorable and pure looking blossoms. And then you get within a ten foot radius of the actual tree. I can't even open my window.
I don't even like spring. I like the cold, where there is no sweat. One plus of warm weather, an incredible amount of popsicles. My Dad packs the garage fridge full of icy pops and firecrackers so we can eat them outside while the Ice Cream truck drives by. :)
Yeah, this is all I can muster. I'm going to go and complain about my weight to everyone who has ears now.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday is library day.
I guess I'm sort of afraid of my school library. I don't feel comfortable with having to rush in between classes to pick a book I probably won't like anyway. I need time and farmiliarity to pick a decent novel. I'm used to my city library. I know where everything is and I know most of the librarians, even though they probably recognize me as the girl who always borrows four books every two sundays.
I really wish I had something more interesting to blog about but I'm sitting in my basement with no pants on hiding from the humidity. I bet you just loved that image. I have geometry homework that's due tomorrow that I'm planning on starting at lunch. Anyway, back to my library ramblings.
Today, I checked out Not As Crazy As I Seem by George Harrar, Things Left Unsaid by Stephanie Hemphill, The Key to the Golden Firebird by Maureen Johnson and Identical by Ellen Hopkins. I handed my card to the boy, who happens to go to my school and is the valedictorian. He scanned my card and then stared at the computer with a look of shock. "When was the last time you used this card?" I swallowed, already nervous. "Um, two weeks ago?" He blinked at me, looked at the screen and then began staring at me again. "And how long ago before that time?" I get extremely awkward when older males that I'm not used to start talking to me. "Two weeks before." He stood and went into the back room. I stayed where I was and shuffled from foot to foot while my friend fondled her own books.
He came back with an older librarian and she messed around with the computer for a few minutes. She mumbled things like "I hate this computer." "Stupid program.". She looked up to me and said "Your card doesn't seem to be registered in our software, you're going to have to fill out another application." So, I stood there and had to say and spell out all my information. I'm still confused as to why. Did they think that I had a fake library card? That I was going to steal the books or something? It just made me realize how invisible I must me be. It gives me a sort of peace. I can go unnoticed until I'm ready. That doesn't happen very often for me.
At school I almost feel compelled to be funny, vibrant, loud, upbeat. Most people want to be around me, want to hear what crazy stuff that spews from my mouth next. While others find me annoying. I'm okay with that. Opinions are opinions. Hayleyghoover's last blog post reassures my feelings about college. Once I'm out of this town, I will be looked at as a new, mysterious person. I can really be myself from the very get go. I can only hope that I'll know who I am by then.
I really wish I had something more interesting to blog about but I'm sitting in my basement with no pants on hiding from the humidity. I bet you just loved that image. I have geometry homework that's due tomorrow that I'm planning on starting at lunch. Anyway, back to my library ramblings.
Today, I checked out Not As Crazy As I Seem by George Harrar, Things Left Unsaid by Stephanie Hemphill, The Key to the Golden Firebird by Maureen Johnson and Identical by Ellen Hopkins. I handed my card to the boy, who happens to go to my school and is the valedictorian. He scanned my card and then stared at the computer with a look of shock. "When was the last time you used this card?" I swallowed, already nervous. "Um, two weeks ago?" He blinked at me, looked at the screen and then began staring at me again. "And how long ago before that time?" I get extremely awkward when older males that I'm not used to start talking to me. "Two weeks before." He stood and went into the back room. I stayed where I was and shuffled from foot to foot while my friend fondled her own books.
He came back with an older librarian and she messed around with the computer for a few minutes. She mumbled things like "I hate this computer." "Stupid program.". She looked up to me and said "Your card doesn't seem to be registered in our software, you're going to have to fill out another application." So, I stood there and had to say and spell out all my information. I'm still confused as to why. Did they think that I had a fake library card? That I was going to steal the books or something? It just made me realize how invisible I must me be. It gives me a sort of peace. I can go unnoticed until I'm ready. That doesn't happen very often for me.
At school I almost feel compelled to be funny, vibrant, loud, upbeat. Most people want to be around me, want to hear what crazy stuff that spews from my mouth next. While others find me annoying. I'm okay with that. Opinions are opinions. Hayleyghoover's last blog post reassures my feelings about college. Once I'm out of this town, I will be looked at as a new, mysterious person. I can really be myself from the very get go. I can only hope that I'll know who I am by then.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Day two and going.....strongish.
I guess this counts even though I'm at a friend's and typing this last minute.
A wants to be in the blog post. J is sitting on a piano bench and D is.....making our beds. I'm afraid that this post will be horribly sporadic since two soon to be three teenaged girls are reading it over/next to my shoulder. J is Chinese and doesn't like any Chinese food. It's wonderfully ironic and made my day. Go J.
D's house is super cool. It has a funky asian vibe and a mirror wall. Today I did a double feature at the movies. First the Soloist, amazing, right? Then Seventeen Again. Zac Efron is yummy and no one can deny it. Even if you hate High School Musical, which you shouldn't, he's still way too attractive to be allowed. It's like all the fantastic glory that is Bragelina rolled into one person.
A thought that I just thought right now, I wish I was Brad Pitt and Angelina's love child. I would be anatomically perfect and have the acting talent equal to.....three million Dakota Fannings. We all know she's great and she scared the living poop out of me in Push. I didn't even see the movie. The previews made her look like some hardcore teenaged physco who was forgotten by her parents and lived in the subway. She would cut a bitch, if you know what I mean.
A just was thinking about combining my name and Robert Downey Jr's. The possibilities are: Sarbert. Robara. Robra. Saob. Bora. Rara. Sarob.
A is chewing on her Coca Cola can. She's like a living trash compactor. Or a goat. Yeah, this blog blows, I'm so distracted I can't think of any stories to tell that didn't happen today. D fell down the stairs at the movie theatre. Old people stared at us. What a day.
Catch ya tomorrow.
A wants to be in the blog post. J is sitting on a piano bench and D is.....making our beds. I'm afraid that this post will be horribly sporadic since two soon to be three teenaged girls are reading it over/next to my shoulder. J is Chinese and doesn't like any Chinese food. It's wonderfully ironic and made my day. Go J.
D's house is super cool. It has a funky asian vibe and a mirror wall. Today I did a double feature at the movies. First the Soloist, amazing, right? Then Seventeen Again. Zac Efron is yummy and no one can deny it. Even if you hate High School Musical, which you shouldn't, he's still way too attractive to be allowed. It's like all the fantastic glory that is Bragelina rolled into one person.
A thought that I just thought right now, I wish I was Brad Pitt and Angelina's love child. I would be anatomically perfect and have the acting talent equal to.....three million Dakota Fannings. We all know she's great and she scared the living poop out of me in Push. I didn't even see the movie. The previews made her look like some hardcore teenaged physco who was forgotten by her parents and lived in the subway. She would cut a bitch, if you know what I mean.
A just was thinking about combining my name and Robert Downey Jr's. The possibilities are: Sarbert. Robara. Robra. Saob. Bora. Rara. Sarob.
A is chewing on her Coca Cola can. She's like a living trash compactor. Or a goat. Yeah, this blog blows, I'm so distracted I can't think of any stories to tell that didn't happen today. D fell down the stairs at the movie theatre. Old people stared at us. What a day.
Catch ya tomorrow.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Self-discovery? Yes, please.
I'm not exactly sure on how to start. I'm nervous as I'm typing this. All I really want is to finally know what I want. Each day's post is going to be filled with all the thoughts that my peers would find boring or unimportant.
On a lighter note, Susan Boyle makes me so happy. I watch this video and I smile. Things like this make me cry and trust me, I am not a cryer. My Aunt D passed away just over a year ago, I was calm and collected for the entire service but everytime Mufasa dies in The Lion King, I bawl. Even now I can't help but think "Poor kitty.". I'm not exactly sure if that makes me insensitive, my mother seems to think so. I'll catch her tearing up while watching Extreme Home Make-Over. I always feel bad for the siblings of the "challenged" kids. Alright, little Jimmy is autistic or poor May was born without the use of her lower body but what about their brothers and sisters? That one child gets the entire show pratically dedicated to them while their siblings get a fifteen second time slot? It just seems unfair, but that may be my imaturity shining through.
I just got done reading a book called Zig Zag by Ellen Wittlinger. I'd say it's your average teenage girl book. Attractive guys, a little sex, kooky friends, troubled kids and a road trip. I enjoyed it and lent it to several friends. I always borrow books from my city's public library with the intention of reading them and giving them back right away. Them I end up letting the book circulate through my group of buddies and return the book several days late with minor damage done. I can't help it, they ask me what I'm reading and I'm not going to tell them. If they want to know the story, they have to read it for themselves. It makes me happy to see my friends reading, and to be engaging in something other than gossip.
Onto another totally unrelated topic! The Soloist came out today. :) I love music. I love the homeless. And I'm hopelessly infatuated with Robert Downey Jr. Before, during and after the drugs. <3
Ha! I'm about to air some dirty laundry. I own a Slytherin uniform. A sweater, tie, scarf, emblem, and a robe. Along with a replica of Voldemort's wand. I wear it when I'm hyper and dance to the High School Musical soundtracks. I've always been a Slytherin girl. Ever since the first book, when the story of Hogwarts was told and Salazar Slytherin was presented as the dark, powerful entity that made the dark side of the wizarding world. And I might have the tiniest crush on Draco Malfoy. I'll also admit to writing some horrible fanfiction. It was fun while it lasted and I have an on going tradition of rereading the series every summer. There's a lot of information to retain and I need refreshers every so often. The day my uniform arrived I had to take out the trash and, in a demonstration of ultimate nerdness, I pointed my wand to the sky and shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA!". At that exact moment a school bus drove by on the main road of my suburb, a bus full of my school's wrestling team. My house is second from the corner. School the next day was difficult.
I think I'm going to end it here and watch Susan Boyle twenty more times.
:) Catch ya tomorrow.
On a lighter note, Susan Boyle makes me so happy. I watch this video and I smile. Things like this make me cry and trust me, I am not a cryer. My Aunt D passed away just over a year ago, I was calm and collected for the entire service but everytime Mufasa dies in The Lion King, I bawl. Even now I can't help but think "Poor kitty.". I'm not exactly sure if that makes me insensitive, my mother seems to think so. I'll catch her tearing up while watching Extreme Home Make-Over. I always feel bad for the siblings of the "challenged" kids. Alright, little Jimmy is autistic or poor May was born without the use of her lower body but what about their brothers and sisters? That one child gets the entire show pratically dedicated to them while their siblings get a fifteen second time slot? It just seems unfair, but that may be my imaturity shining through.
I just got done reading a book called Zig Zag by Ellen Wittlinger. I'd say it's your average teenage girl book. Attractive guys, a little sex, kooky friends, troubled kids and a road trip. I enjoyed it and lent it to several friends. I always borrow books from my city's public library with the intention of reading them and giving them back right away. Them I end up letting the book circulate through my group of buddies and return the book several days late with minor damage done. I can't help it, they ask me what I'm reading and I'm not going to tell them. If they want to know the story, they have to read it for themselves. It makes me happy to see my friends reading, and to be engaging in something other than gossip.
Onto another totally unrelated topic! The Soloist came out today. :) I love music. I love the homeless. And I'm hopelessly infatuated with Robert Downey Jr. Before, during and after the drugs. <3
Ha! I'm about to air some dirty laundry. I own a Slytherin uniform. A sweater, tie, scarf, emblem, and a robe. Along with a replica of Voldemort's wand. I wear it when I'm hyper and dance to the High School Musical soundtracks. I've always been a Slytherin girl. Ever since the first book, when the story of Hogwarts was told and Salazar Slytherin was presented as the dark, powerful entity that made the dark side of the wizarding world. And I might have the tiniest crush on Draco Malfoy. I'll also admit to writing some horrible fanfiction. It was fun while it lasted and I have an on going tradition of rereading the series every summer. There's a lot of information to retain and I need refreshers every so often. The day my uniform arrived I had to take out the trash and, in a demonstration of ultimate nerdness, I pointed my wand to the sky and shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA!". At that exact moment a school bus drove by on the main road of my suburb, a bus full of my school's wrestling team. My house is second from the corner. School the next day was difficult.
I think I'm going to end it here and watch Susan Boyle twenty more times.
:) Catch ya tomorrow.
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